LifeWorks Regenerative Medicine

Are You A Candidate For Regenerative Medicine?

Regenerative Medicine is the science being used to stimulate the repair of cells damaged by disease, injury, or simple aging by stimulating the body’s own repair mechanisms.

Ready to eliminate joint pain and increase mobility, without drugs or surgery?


Our Regenerative Medicine can help you:

Regenerative medicine can help patients stop and even reverse the years of wear and tear on joints, tendons, and cartilage that are causing pain and limiting the range of motion. True to our calling at LifeWorks, we will always address the root cause of your pain by evaluating and correcting functional movements that contribute to or cause your pain.

  • Stop the cycle of pills and surgery
  • Restore, repair, and replace damaged tissue with healthy tissue your body makes
  • Avoid unnecessary surgeries and missed days of work
  • Avoid more pain from surgery
  • Reverse years of wear and tear on joints, tendons, and ligaments causing chronic pain
  • Get back to the lifestyle you enjoy
  • Address the root cause of your pain
  • Avoid the harmful, uncomfortable side effects of prescription pain and inflammatory medications
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Regenerative Therapies are effective for but not limited to:

  • Chronic joint pain
  • Chronic back pain
  • Bulging/herniated discs
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Meniscus, ACL, MCL tears
  • Knee injuries
  • Arthritis/osteoarthritis
  • Hip Labral tears
  • Tendonitis

You are genetically programmed to heal, but many people have chronic conditions that prevent or slow this natural healing process. In cases of autoimmune disease and chronic inflammation, regenerative medicine can help your body to regulate inflammation to get you further down your healing path. Cells seek out degenerative, inflamed areas of the body, and they go where your body needs them to go and become what your body needs them to become. Stop the cycle today and get the health you need for the life you want with regenerative therapy in Johnson County KS

The Regenerative Path at LifeWorks Integrative Health

Everything we do at LifeWorks Integrative Health is considered a regenerative path for health. Specifically, our regenerative medicine services can take you from dependency on pills, cortisone shots and surgery, to a place of repair and longevity. Regenerative Therapy stops the cycle! It is not new, but how it is revolutionary by allowing your body to renew your own cells needed to repair the damage of injury, chronic overuse, or degeneration.

Regenerative Therapy in Shawnee Kansas

Regenerative medicine is the process that can replace, renew, and create new human cells, tissues, and proteins for the purpose of restoring function in the body. One of the key components of regenerative medicine is regenerative medicine which regenerates healthy tissue in places it is needed.​​​​​​​

The most common approach to pain is drugs and surgery which we consider a degenerative therapy. It does not bring more healing, it simply manages the continued degeneration. We offer your regenerative path for pain which can repair, restore, replace, and regenerate injured, painful tissue. This means your pain can be solved instead of covered up with Regenerative Therapy.

PRP Therapy

The immature stem cells inside the bone marrow have the potential to develop into mature cells such as the cells of a muscle, vessel, cartilage or bone. Two of the main stem cells found in bone marrow include: Hematopoietic stem cells give rise to the three classes of blood cells in circulation: white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. These cells drive tissue regeneration and create supportive circulation.

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Alpha 2 Macroglobulin

A2M, Alpha 2 Macroglobulin is a natural inhibitor produced by the liver. This molecule protects cartilage from proteins known to cause degeneration in joints which leads to osteoarthritis. A2M molecules are naturally and evenly found throughout the body.

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Bone Marrow Aspirate

The immature stem cells inside the bone marrow have the potential to develop into mature cells such as the cells of a muscle, vessel, cartilage or bone. Two of the main stem cells found in bone marrow include: Hematopoietic stem cells give rise to the three classes of blood cells in circulation: white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. These cells drive tissue regeneration and create supportive circulation.

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