Back Pain Relief

Back pain shouldn’t control your life. Our non-surgical, drug-free treatments target the root cause of your pain to restore mobility, reduce discomfort, and help you move freely again. Skip the endless medications and failed treatments—real relief starts here.

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Back Pain Relief In Kansas City

Back pain can be exhausting and for many, life-altering which is why you need the right team for back pain relief in Shawnee, KS. If you suffer from back pain, you know that finding relief can be a daily battle with uncertain outcomes. We are here to help.


Solutions That Work at LifeWorks Integrative Health

Natural, non-surgical treatment for your back pain really does work. Risky medications and expensive surgeries don’t. The team at LifeWorks completes a comprehensive assessment to determine which of our pain relief strategies best fit your needs.

​​​​​​​We know pain and we know there is not only one way to resolve it. We find the cause of your pain and the best way to relieve it fast, while strengthening and stretching muscles surrounding the area with physiotherapy so you stay out of pain.

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Seeking Back Pain Relief in Shawnee?

Lasting relief is available with a new treatment option only offered at LifeWorks. Eliminate back pain for good without drugs or surgery and get back to living your best life!

  • Do you have CHRONIC PAIN that you have been told you have to live with?
  • Have you TRIED EVERYTHING (massage, therapy, injections, and even surgery) with no results?
  • Have you been told that SURGERY is your only option?

​​​​​​​Our treatment works for a wide variety of conditions. Don’t suffer with back pain any longer! Schedule your free consultation today. We can eliminate pain and increase mobility, without drugs or surgery.

Arthritis Care for The 21st Century

Paving A Path Towards Less Pain & Better Outcomes​​​​​​​.

Download our free e-book to learn more about Arthritis, what causes it, the problems with standard treatment, and how LifeWorks can help you achieve relief.

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Have You Tried Everything and Still Have Pain?

The people who come to us for back pain have usually tried everything. Standard treatment for back pain starts with anti inflammatory medications, opioid pain medications and sometimes physical therapy. When the medications no longer work well enough, steroid injections and surgical intervention are pursued.

Over and over again we hear the struggle of those who did not get the relief they expected from surgery, cannot maintain the level of medications needed to get relief, risk addiction to opioid medications, and have exhausted the number of steroid injections that are safe or effective.​​​​​​​

Standard care for back pain is failing you if:

  • You take medications for pain but still have pain
  • You have changed or limited physical activity due to pain
  • You have a history or family history of addiction
  • You have had surgery and still have pain
  • Your range of motion and comfortable movement is limited by your pain

​​​​​​​Too many people live with pain and accept incomplete solutions. Expensive surgeries with unknown recovery times are not the only option. We are here to tell you there is another way for back pain relief in Shawnee, KS.

Treat The Root Cause of Your Back Pain

Spinal adjustment, trigger point therapy, physiotherapy, and regenerative therapy are the natural, non-surgical interventions that truly relieve pain. Pain medications and steroid injections only cover up the pain which only continues to get worse the more medications and injections that are used. With this new approach, we help you address the underlying issue that’s truly causing your pain.

​​​​​​​If you are tired of the failed options standard medical care gives, schedule a complimentary consultation at LifeWorks to explore non-surgical, drug-free treatment options for back pain relief in Shawnee, KS.