Weight Loss

Real weight loss starts with real solutions. Our program focuses on nutrition, metabolism reset, and expert coaching to help you shed pounds and keep them off—without starvation or gimmicks.

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Lose Weight by Resetting Your Metabollism, Naturally

At LifeWorks Weight Loss Center, We Educate You On The Importance Of Healthy Nutrition & Lifestyle Choices, Help You Stick To Your Personal Health Plan, Review Your Food Journal & Give You Tips & Tricks For Successful Weight Loss.We Will Work With You On How To Integrate Your Plan With Your Day-to-Day Lifestyle, Introduce Our Healthy Foods To You, & Be There To Answer Any Questions You Might Have.

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Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Discover How We Can Help You Lose Weight!

What makes our LifeWorks Weight Loss program different is that we address the metabolism by resetting it and not speeding it up as do most other programs. Our main focus is to create a healthy environment in the body for your cells to thrive.

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Our Program Is Based On 3 Key Components

Here at LifeWorks Weight Loss we have helped hundreds of patients lose weight. Here are the three main components that equal amazing results.

Healthy Diet

We work with you to design a healthy meal plan you can live with. No starvation. No hunger. No prepackaged food. Regulated non-starvation caloric intake with a regulated minimal exercise routine.

Proprietary Nutraceuticals

We use a series of proprietary products over the course of your prescribed program, to RESET YOUR METABOLISM. These products are safe and natural and have not shown to cause any side effects.

Coaching & Support

Having a coach and a healthy support system is key to making permanent and sustainable changes. Not only are you receiving coaching from a doctor but you also have the opportunity to be a part of our online support group, which will make the process fun, enjoyable and sustainable.

Check Out These Transformations!

Janice S.


Lost 32 pounds and 6 dress sizes in 60 Days!

Ben Y.


Lost 55 pounds and 22 inches in 11 weeks!

Laura N.


Lost 45 pounds and 12 inches!

Daniel B.


Lost 120 pounds and is no longer prediabetic!

Learn How They Did It

*DISCLAIMER: These success stories are a result of patients using the New Wave Nutraceutical Weight Loss program utilized by LifeWorks. LifeWorks Integrative Health makes no claims that these results are representative of all participants in the weight loss program.

Reset Your Metabolism, Naturally

We use a series of proprietary products over the course of your prescribed program, to RESET YOUR METABOLISM. These products are safe and natural and have not shown to cause any side effects.

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This is a WIN-WIN Program

This fast and safe LOSE UP TO A POUND a day program is available for the first time in North America and is used in Europe, as well as in Australia. There is no program like it, as this program was formulated by a Swiss doctor and has never been replicated before now.


It’s so new, you’ll probably be just one of the few people that know about it because it’s a very exclusive weight loss program that he has shared with just a few doctors all over the world.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What’s different about the LifeWorks Weight Loss Program compared to all other programs?

The difference at Life Works is that we address the metabolism by resetting it naturally, instead of speeding it up like most other programs. This creates a healthy environment within the body for your cells to thrive.

Do I have to count calories?

No, our program does not limit you in this way, and you will never ever having to count points or calories.

Does it matter how old I am?

You must be 18 or older in order to use the Life Works Weight Loss Program. However, our oldest client to date is 90 years of age.

How is this accomplished?

We will educate you how and what “real” food to eat without counting any calories or points. We also use specific neutraceuticals over a short period of time to aid the body in resetting your metabolism.

Will the program give me suggestions for what to eat?

Yes. The Life Works Weight Loss Program is extremely flexible and is available for you to record your own food choices or you can use the extensive recipe list both for during and after the program.

Do I have to come into the office for the initial FREE Consultation?

Yes, we encourage you to come in for the initial consultation so we can meet you and learn more about your health goals. We can make the exception and do a FREE phone consult if you live far from our office.

Do you prescribe medications or HCG?

No, we don’t use medications or exogenous hormones such as HCG. We use safe, natural products to predictably help people to reset their metabolism.

Do I have to exercise?

No, our program does not require you to exercise regularly in order to lose weight.

I’m a vegetarian or vegan, do I qualify?

Yes, of course! We build plans for both vegans and vegetarians.